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New parking at the Shehyni border checkpoint from SEA Company

  • 29.02.2024
  • 433

The Shehyni border crossing point with Poland is back in the spotlight – now thanks to the opening of a new parking lot that makes crossing the border even more comfortable and efficient. Located in the Lviv region, the checkpoint is a key junction on the route between Ukraine and Poland, serving both passenger and freight transportation, facilitating international traffic.

parking, Sheghini, parking at the Sheghini checkpointparking, Sheghini, parking at the Sheghini checkpoint

The specially developed configuration of the parking lot produced by SEA Company in Shehyni includes one entrance, two exits and a PM2 parking meter. This configuration optimizes traffic flow and offers convenient access for drivers. A notable aspect is that the parking lot operates solely on the recognition of government license plates, simplifying the parking process.

The introduction of a new parking lot is an important step in improving the infrastructure of border points, aimed at improving the border crossing for all categories of carriers. It underscores the rapid development and modernization of border infrastructure in Ukraine.

SEA Company is the only organization in Ukraine that has a full cycle of production of parking equipment and software. We develop, manufacture, set up and upgrade parking pay stations, entry and exit terminals, information displays, automatic and semi-automatic parking systems for airports, railway and bus stations, hotels, offices, shopping malls etc.

For inquiries regarding the purchase and installation of parking equipment and parking control systems, please contactSEA Company’s office by phone +380 (044) 330-00-88 or send requests via e-mail: info@sea.com.ua
